There exists a number of intense rivalries in hockey, and across all sports. This has always been the case, and will continue to be so for the rest of time. Usually they involve players or teams going head-to-head. Federer-Nadal and Red Sox-Yankees come to mind. The newest rivalry in sports comes to us via the National Hockey League, and it is escalating pretty quickly. It is also unique, considering it involves the league's best player going head-to-head with its most renowned broadcasting figure of all-time. I'm talking of course about Alex Ovechkin and Don Cherry. And if you haven't seen and heard what they have been saying about one another, I'm here to fill you in.
First take a look at the video of goal, the celebration, and his post-game interview, which is priceless.
Apparently Don Cherry doesn't like Ovechkin's celebratory nature. On Hockey Night in Canada three weeks ago, Cherry called-out the Russian sniper for being over-enthusiastic and disrespectful. He suggested the forward was resorting to "soccer-like" tactics and his advice for the kids was to steer clear of such behaviour because it was "not the Canadian way." All of this on the heels of Sidney Crosby's vocal displeasure with Ovechkin's attitude on the ice. If you ask me, Crosby is a bit jealous and Cherry's assertations are nonsense. I'll admit, I still tune in weekly, but only to witness live what travesty he will spout out of his mouth at any given moment. You get the feeling even Ron Maclean is growing tiresome of Cherry's antics.
The worst part of it all? Last weekend, after supplying his audience with footage of Ovechkin celebrating in a more restrained fashion, Cherry took credit, saying "that's why everyone listens to me."
The best part? A mere five days later, Ovechkin scores his 50th goal, and oh my, did he celebrate. He was dancing over top of his stick, which was, in his words, "hot, hot, hot." Who is Don Cherry kidding? What he says won't change who Ovechkin is - and that's a good thing. Ovechkin has a personality, he has flair - and it is a good thing for the game. Crosby says he doesn't like ovechkin's attitude. I say, I'm glad he has an attitude to begin with. And what's wrong with being happy when you score a goal? Maybe if Crosby had anywhere near Ovechkin's 50 and counting...
That's a debate for another time, though the conclusion to the question about which player is more effective is foregone in my opinion.
Back to Cherry and Ovechkin... make sure to tune in to HNIC this Saturday. Cherry will be sure to use up most of his time addressing Ovechkin's post-game comments last night in Tampa Bay. Ovechkin claimed he "doesn't care about Cherry" and can't wait to see "Coach's Room" because he bet Cherry "will be p****d off". The more people chime in to the debate, the more support Ovechkin seems to get. I've made it clear where I stand. He's earned the right to have some fun out there, because at the end of the day, that's what we're all told this game is about anyway.
What do you think?
1 comment:
I do not think a lot of what Don Cherry says is particularly well thought out or insightful, but on this issue I agree with him. I do not like excessive celebration they have in other sports, i find it disrespectful to the game and to the other team. And to be fair to Crosby, what Crosby said was that he personally did not like it, but AO would do whatever AO would do - Crosby was just giving his personal opinion for which he was asked by the media. What's wrong with that?
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